Monday, September 30, 2013

Sun's Shadow

Plato used a lot of symbolisms, metaphors’ and personifications in this piece. The cave symbolize as a place wherein a person’s knowledge and perspective only came from what he saw around and he only know the things or informations which are available. The fire inside the cave mentioned symbolize as the source of information. Literally, we all know that the fire’s light is limited and did not last for long. It just imply that the information in the in the cave is the partial part of the truth. The shadow caused by the fire symbolizes the perspective of the person in the cave.
Once the person inside the cave go outside, he may learn and realize that there’s a lot of things he don’t know. For the reason that outside the cave the source of light (information) is not from the fire but from the sun. Sunlight symbolizes the information which is very clear and not a partial truth, but the whole truth itself.
In my analysis, I can say that this composition requires critical thinking to make you understand and realize what Plato wants to say. Plato’s Allegory of the Cave simply want us to be reminded and realized that we need to get out of the box to discover new things and ideas, also to look beyond our own perspective. This is such a nice piece of writing.

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