Friday, September 6, 2013

To Study is a Right and to become a Good Student is a Responsibility (A Scholar's Insight)

Braniac, responsible, well-disciplined, and a role model – these are some qualities that might comes up to your mind whenever you hear the word "scholar". Literally, scholar means learned or erudite person, esp. one who has profound knowledge on a particular subject. Through unique personalities, distinct characteristics, supreme intelligence and sturdy ideals and beliefs, scholars gain not only other’s respect but also expectations. But what does it really take to become a scholar?
Unlike everyone’s thinking, being a scholar not an easy position. You strive for you best and push yourself even beyond your limits. This might sound exaggerated, for the sake of those people who believes in you and for those who invest in you, you are obliged to live in their expectations.
Pressure is the number one enemy of a scholar. Moreover, stress is the sister of pressure. Scholars were expected of something that they need to become yet some of them want the opposite. The word scholar was followed by the word excellence. With this, all of the things you do should be the best because all the eyes were at you.

But still, no matter how hard it is, being Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel’s scholar is a rare opportunity that should not be taken for granted. God gave everyone a chance to study despite of their financial incapability through La Verdad Christian College. The right of being a scholar has a responsibility and every chance given has expectations. Being a scholar is a chance and it was an expectation that they will thank God for this through being the best.

News Feature

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