Friday, February 15, 2013

Song Review

               I was really amazed how A Song Of Praise Music Festival was being conceptualized by Brother Eli Soriano and Kuya Daniel Razon. There is no one can think like them. They are the true preachers that God sent to us in our time.
               Before, ASOP was only in the congregation but now it is already telecast and even the non-members of the church can also join in the said competition. Actually, I like all the song entries because I know they were written through the inspired hearts of the composers. Usually, they were writing a song based on their own experiences an how God was being there in times of their difficulties and sorrow. By the help of this competition, many composers were motivated to write songs of praise. Because in this way, they can express their feelings on how they were thankful and grateful for all the blessings. And all the things that is happening to them whether it is good or bad.
               I am very delighted to all these songs. It was so refreshing and inspiring. Truthfully, every songs of praise I hear seems talking to my inner being. I can't even explain the comfort I felt every time I can hear these kind of song. It's like a lullaby to my ears.
               I'm hoping that all the competitors joining in this competition, will not get tired in making and writing songs of praise for the glory of the Lord. As a Christians, the only thing that we can do to repay at least, for all the goodness and loving-kindness of our Almighty God, was through singing and serving Him forever. That is the true essence of our existence.

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